Alan Furlong 

Analytical Counselling 

Clinical Supervision

Call Alan now 

Thank you for booking your next clinical supervision session with Alan Furlong.

If it's a one-to-one session please arrive along on time as each booking commences at the specific time that you have just booked so as to reduce down on any sessions going over into the next scheduled client's appointment. If its an online (Telephone/Skype etc) please be available at our agreed time to commence as unfortunately, all clinical sessions will still have to end at the designated time so that the next client is not inconvenienced.


We agree that supervision is a forum used by the supervisee to reflect on all aspects of their clinical work, and where they receive formal and informal feedback on that work and where the welfare of clients and the quality of the service they receive is central.

Practical Details:

We will conduct Supervision sessions for 60 minutes on agreed dates
Please note that ‘ACA recommends 1 session per 10 client hours' if you are accredited or working towards accreditation with the ACA Australian Counselling Association.

We have agreed that there will be no unnecessary interruptions e.g. mobile phones, etc, during the supervisory session. The fee agreed is the amount you are paying per session, payable via Bank Transfer, Stripe, or PayPal, Missed appointments with less than 12 hours notice will be charged at the agreed session rate. Ideally, if a session can be rescheduled if any significant event occurs no cancellation charge is required just the normal session fee. All fees paid will generate an invoice/receipt of payment with the ABN 89 326 159 927.


We have agreed that the following arrangements will take place in the following situations:

If there is a need for an extra supervision session, this can be negotiated with the supervisor, and you can book via our online booking portal.

The supervisor will keep notes of all sessions in a safe and secure place in line with normal clinical best practices.

It is recommended that the supervisee keep notes for their own learning record. Rescheduling of appointments can be easily conducted by you via the booking portal, you have full autonomy to reschedule your bookings online.

Emergencies: Supervisee can contact me in the case of any clinical caseload emergency on 0457 324 464, however, if it is not deemed an emergency then it is advisable to book a subsequent session to explore any clinical concerns you may or may not have. The supervisee will identify whom they will contact when I am not available.


The following guidelines will guide our time together.

Openness and honesty will be present about the work, the supervisory relationship, reports, etc.

The work of the supervision sessions will remain confidential except in the following situations;

Where there is a likelihood of harm to clients or self.
Where college or organization requires progress reports.
If a Supervisee’s College or Organization etc requires documentation all information will be handled directly back to the supervisee to deliver to the college or organization. In this way any external organizations that the supervisee might be working with will have to liaise directly with the supervisee, requests of any form of communication liaise via supervisee at all times.

My contract agreement is with the supervisee and not with external agencies or colleges. It is the supervisee who gives consent at all times to this arrangement.

Whereby any legal process supersedes this agreement.
Lack of regular attendance. If there are large gap’s of attendance between sessions (E.G. months and not due to illness, holidays, or some other appropriate reason), multiple cancellations and a general lack of commitment on the part of any supervisee in maintaining a professional attitude and commitment towards clinical supervision, then the agreement between supervisee and supervisor may be terminated but a discussion will be conducted to explore what is happening and what supports the supervisee may require.

Children’s at risk Guidelines. If I as clinical supervisor identify that there is a risk to any child(ren) due to negligent or poor practice on behalf of the Supervisee in reporting this to the appropriate authorities then I am at liberty to bring this information to either social services, the accreditation body (that the supervisee is governed by), the clinic in which the supervisee is attached or any appropriate service who will respond to the needs of child(ren) at risk. This will be done with open transparency of communication in advance with the supervisee to identify any difficulties or concerns the supervisee may have in choosing to avoid referring children at risk to the relevant authorities.

Roles and Responsibilities:

Supervisor’ Responsibility:

As an accredited member of the ACA (membership number 4510), Please take time to read the ACA supervision code on their website so that you are fully informed of the contract, ethics, protocols, policies, and procedures I am required to adhere to.

In summary, my responsibilities are Timekeeping.

Managing the agreed overall agenda of sessions. Giving feedback.

Creating a safe place. Keeping notes of sessions.

Monitoring the supervisory relationship.

Drawing up any additional reports requested by the supervisee.

Supervisee’s Responsibility:


Preparing for supervision.

Presenting work in supervision.

Engaging in the supervisory process.

Applying learning from supervision.

Giving feedback to self and supervisor.

Feedback and Review:

We have agreed that there will be ongoing feedback and review involving: Supervisee.

Supervisor. Supervision process.

Re-negotiation of Supervision Contract:

At any time, either the supervisor and or the supervisee can initiate discussion around the re-negotiation of the supervision contract or any part of it.

Supervisor Alan Furlong MA (Addiction), BA (Psychoanalysis) 3 yr Dip in person-centered Humanistic Counselling.

Accredited supervisor with ACA.

The policy may be updated in line with clinical best practices.
If a supervisee has any concerns about the policies or protocols these can be discussed during your session.

Please accept or decline that you either agree or don't agree, please.


Hulme House.

Unit 16 / 32 Hulme Court,

Myaree, Perth WA 6154.




Open Monday to Friday 7 AM - 6:30 PM.

Sundays 7 AM - 8PM.

ABN 89 326 159 927